Archived: Walk the Walk App

Explore New Zealand Fashion History

Take a self-guided walking tour with the Walk the Walk app developed by the New Zealand Fashion Museum to explore New Zealand's fashion history.

The tour is designed to reveal the traces that remain of Auckland’s inner city fashion history. Embodied in garments and architecture, a fascinating story of fashionable Auckland is exposed.

Where were Dior originals made in Auckland? Who was the fashion designer who became one of NZ’s most famous madams? Where is the source of Zambesi? 

Download the app and discover the stories of this often overlooked aspect of our cultural heritage in this central city walking tour.

Queen Street Cowboy image courtesy of Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, 34-R493B

Enjoy two hours of free parking or $5 evening and weekend rates. Find out more. Ride on public transport from as little as $2 each way. Find out more.
Last updated: 26 June 2019

In the neighbourhood