From the world-renowned Tate collection, experience the magic and beauty of light in an exhibition that captures it with startling force.

View paintings by visionary artists and infamous rivals J.M.W Turner and John Constable, and experience how their artworks have influenced generations of artists. As you travel through the exhibition, discover how light has captivated artists for over two centuries, from the impressionistic brushstrokes of Claude Monet to the experimental photographers of the 1920s, to mesmerising installations which immerse you in the transformative power of light’s brilliance. Be illuminated, be entranced, be inspired.

Presented in collaboration with Tate, UK · Artwork: John Brett, The British Channel Seen from the Dorsetshire Cliffs, 1871. Oil paint on canvas. Presented by Mrs Brett 1902. Photo: Tate.

Explore Light from Tate: 1700s to Now after hours with Tate Light at Night.

Each Thursday from 1–22 June, the Gallery will stay open until 8pm so you can explore the exhibition after work.

Brighten a gloomy winter evening and make a night of it with a friend, co-worker or date. Once you’re tired out from all that artistic appreciation, refresh at the Gallery's pop-up bar selling snacks and drinks, browse the Gallery shop, and join their special life drawing class. Find out more, here.


$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more

Last updated: 16 November 2022