Queer AF Presents: Hot Gay Summer!
Get ready to slip slop and absolutely slap because on February 8th, Queer AF is bringing the ultimate multi-dimensional party to celebrate Auckland Pride 2020!
Experience queer energy like never before; With support from the Basement Theatre, the entire building is being taken over and transformed to bring you one huge night of dancing, drinks and entertainment. That's right - the bar, the theatre, the upstairs studio and the outdoor space will be getting the glow up of its life for Pride.
Limited early bird tickets are available now so get in quick to make this Hot Gay Summer your best yet!
For giveaways and competitions, make sure to follow the Instagram page @queerafnz and on Facebook at facebook.com/queerafnz
Get $2 parking per hour to a maximum of $15 on evenings and weekends at the Downtown car park. Find out more.
Kids ride free on public transport on weekends and public holidays. Find out more.