How many Hentai, Kama Sutra and Submissive Asian categories do you watch online? Gemishka Chetty and Aiwa Pooamorn (Go Home Curry Muncha) present a satirical investigation into porn fetishes, unleashing a bold commentary on the hypersexualisation of pan-Asian women in pop culture.
Move over pornhub, we’re putting our needs and stories first. Come and celebrate our unapologetic asian voices, where our rude fantasies take center stage.
We joyously subvert the white male gaze and smash the patriarchy, taking over the basement studio space this fringe for two nights only.
Come release your pent up anger at having your ethnicity reduced to a fetish!
White Zaddies can sit down and shut the f*** up. We are not your Lucy Liu, Chun Li, Marie Kondo or Aishwarya Rai.
Bring a raincoat. It’s gonna get wet inside.
Please Note: This event is R18 - Adult themes
To see the full list of Auckland Fringe Festival performances in the city centre, click here
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.