Created by Heartthrobs, an award-winning collective of Auckland's hottest improvisers led by Brynley Stent (Taskmaster NZ, Celebrity Treasure Island), Alice Canton (Snort) and Rhiannon McCall (7 Days, Snort) – the thirteenth annual Basement Christmas show Sleigh! will be fully improvised every night starring the revolving Heartthrobs cast and a celebrity guest.
Heartthrobs are known for taking cult-hit flicks and turning them on their heads creating completely original genre-based improvised comedy. Sleigh! is no different, blending the iconic 2004 film Mean Girls and the unique Kiwi Summer Christmas Eve mall experience to a sexy, funny and frenzied pulp.
Sleigh! is set to be a hilarious and high-octane ride, promising Aucklanders an unpredictable and silly season night out.
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.