Bring the kids to the Maritime Museum these school holidays to enjoy the fun school holiday programme which includes these activities:
Art Workshops
10.30am-12.30pm daily | $10 per child | Booking advised
There will be art workshops in the exhibition space with hosts to help you create work inspired by the themes and materials in the exhibition – whakapapa, journeys, fabric and golden boats.
Group sizes are small so booking in advance is strongly advised.
Immigration Trail and Character Encounters
$5 per child, $13 per child for workshop and trail | No bookings required
Spend time in the immigration gallery with a brand new activity trail for families. Collect your activities kit when you arrive before you head off on your mission.
There will be a special character for you to meet in the galleries each day. Keep an eye out as you explore the museum and hear their stories of how they journeyed to Aotearoa.
Sailings on Aotearoa One
Tue-Sun 11.30am & 1.30pm | Auckland Child $12, Auckland Adult $25, Auckland Family $50 | Bookings essential
These holidays you can explore the Waitematā harbour on the beautiful waka Aotearoa One.
Residents of the Auckland region can visit the Maritime Museum galleries for free if they provide proof of address on arrival
Children: 5-14 years old (4 years and under are free)
Family Pass = 2 adults & 2 children or 1 adult & 3 children
Flat fee of $7 per day on weekends at Fanshawe Street carpark. Find out more.
Kids ride free on public transport on weekends and public holidays. Find out more.