किस्स तरफ // Kiss Taraf
A kiss. Anticipation. An intimate gesture, a merging of our individual journeys. Born from a spark of newness that seeks the nurturing of togetherness, formed in the knowledge of departure that embraces an unknown direction of the in-between.
In 'Kiss Taraf' the artists play with the word ‘Kiss,’ gesturing towards an affectionate way to discuss the diasporic perspectives of migrants of South Asian descent within Aotearoa. While ‘Taraf’ nods to a departure, here they ask, ‘which way;’ as the subjective experience of the physical and intangible environment enables an inquiry that shape-shifts and adapts to the habitat of the adopted land. In Hindi, 'Kiss Taraf' translates to 'Which Direction’.
A generous introduction to the reorientation of these five artists, the exhibition is an opportunity to acknowledge the journey and an invitation to witness a gradual ‘taking on’ of the qualities and features of new surroundings whilst the artists simultaneously familiarise themselves with their own sense of the ‘known.’