Created by award winning artists Julia Croft, Meg Rollandi and Jason Wright with direction from critically acclaimed creative Nisha Madhan, TERRAPOLIS is a new performance work that spins alternative webs between humans, objects, the "natural world" and geological time.
Croft is joined by celebrated performance designer, Meg Rollandi, and sound designer / composer Jason Wright who performs an original score live onstage. Together, they offer a world replete with Croft’s signature performance style of humour, pathos, pop culture mash-ups and deep enquiries into what it means to build your own feminist universe.
Deeply funny and deeply hopeful, TERRAPOLIS builds the world anew out of reimagined histories, mythologies, Jurassic Park hark-backs, disaster movies, ecologies and ecosystems.
Created with support from Creative New Zealand, Battersea Arts Centre and Massey University.