Enjoy a thrilling close encounter with giant, otherworldly figures popping up in the heart of the city throughout Auckland Arts Festival.
Created by famed Australian artist Amanda Parer, these beings from another universe leave an awe-inspiring impression wherever they land on earth. Arriving in Tāmaki Makaurau this summer, their titan-sized appearance may intimidate at first. But step a little closer, and you’ll realise they’re curious visitors to our corner of the world.
We encourage you to play and photograph with them, and welcome them to our wonderful city with open arms for a short time before they make their way home.
These monumental installations were inspired by René Laloux’s famous 1973 animated film of the same name. Pointing to science-fictional futures and imaginary alien races, but also the vastness of the cosmos and our own humanity as residents of a lonely planet, they’ll be visiting the Festival’s two main arts precincts in 2022, Aotea Square and Silo Park, and another to-be-announced site.
Silo Park • Te Wero Island • Aotea Square • Q Theatre Roof
Thursday – Sunday throughout the festival
(10 – 27 March)
10am – 10pm on Thursday
11am – 11pm on Friday & Saturday
10am – 10pm on Sunday
Weather conditions may mean the Humanoids need to be deflated, please check the AAF website for weather updates before you go. Click here.