A brand new interactive light and sound experience, Lightbells will tower above Aotea Square these school holidays, lighting up the landscape with a joyful cacophony of bell tones and visual delight.
The six-metre high sculpture by Auckland-based composer and sound designer Thomas Press, is designed to literally light up when its ropes are pulled and its bells are illuminated and ring out in a unique symphony of light and sound. Tuned to a musical scale with eight different pitches, the bells compliment the more traditional tolling of the nearby Auckland Town Hall clock tower bell, and create a unique soundscape across the Aotea Arts Quarter for all to enjoy.
Thomas Press was the winner of the People’s Choice Best Music Award at the 2014 Auckland Theatre Awards, and is a five-time Chapman Tripp Theatre Award nominee for Sound Design of the Year.
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.