Tickets are $25 to $30 for all 3 movies
Shrek Marathon

This is not a drill! No you are not dreaming!
Academy Cinemas has taken the bold step of dedicating a whole afternoon to what must be THE key developmental contribution to our audience's childhood!

Yes, that's right I'm talking about the Shrek Trilogy.
The first three (the good ones).
Back to back (but with 15 minute intervals).

How many chances will there be for a nostalgia trip this potent?! Get your tickets now!

315 mins | Rated PG | Children

Tickets are $25 to $30 for all 3 movies !!

Enjoy two hours of free parking or $5 evening and weekend rates. Find out more. Ride on public transport from as little as $2 each way. Find out more.
Last updated: 11 June 2019