One of the best live comedy shows in Auckland is back to fight off the lockdown blues. This Wednesday and Thursday you can watch comedy at one of Auckland CBD's trendiest bars.
8 PM Wednesday and Thursday (June 3 & 4) for the grand old price of free! Some of the best comedians in NZ are back to show you what they've been working on for the last two months. You don't want to miss this show!
This is a real-life event, not virtual. Strict social distancing will be enforced, and all recommendations for events during level 2 will be followed. To make the experience relaxing and enjoyable for everyone tickets are very limited, so get in quick!
Tickets are in groups of 2, 4 or 6 only to ensure level 2 Covid guidelines are met. So why not grab some friends or family, and head down to Tabac bar to watch some hilarious comedy!
Email, or call 022 4131214 if you have any questions or concerns!
Get $2 parking per hour to a maximum of $15 on evenings and weekends at the Downtown car park. Find out more.
Kids ride free on public transport on weekends and public holidays. Find out more.