
The Medium is the Message
Television Now and Then  
The Medium is the Message is an exhibition that marks sixty years since the first official public television broadcast in Aotearoa from Gus Fisher Gallery’s iconic heritage building as former radio and television studios. This pioneering moment of collective ingenuity and experimentation informs the exhibition which considers televisions past and present through rarely seen archival film footage and ambitious artworks by internationally renowned artists to reflect on the role of television now.

Participating artists and organisations: 

Nam June Paik (South Korea / USA), Carolee Schneemann (USA), Kevin Atherton (UK), George Barber (Guyana / UK), John Smith (UK), Jesse McLean (USA), Robyn Walton & Peter Cleveland (Aotearoa New Zealand), Janet Lilo (Tainui, Ngāpuhi, Samoan, Nuie / Aotearoa New Zealand), Joe Sheehan (Aotearoa New Zealand), Claudia Kogachi (Japan / Aotearoa New Zealand), Yvonne Todd (Aotearoa New Zealand), Edith Amituanai (Aotearoa New Zealand), Gordon H. Brown (Aotearoa New Zealand), also including material from TVNZ Digital Production Library, Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision TVNZ and The University of Auckland’s Cultural Collections.

Part of Artweek in the City Centre.

Exhibition hours:

  • Tuesday - Friday: 10am - 5pm
  • Saturday: 10am - 4pm
  • Open for Late Night Art - Tuesday October 13: 5 - 9pm

Park for $2 per hour, to a maximum of $10 on evenings and weekends at the Victoria St car park. Find out more.

Last updated: 06 July 2020