More than a quarter of a century ago, Specsavers was born on a table-tennis table in a spare bedroom of the Perkins family home. Optometrists Doug and Mary Perkins had a simple plan: to offer a wide range of stylish, fashionable glasses at prices everyone could afford, with no compromise on the standards of eye care.
From just two people with a dream, Specsavers has grown to become one of the largest suppliers of eye care in the world. The family-run company now employs over 26,000 people and supports almost 1400 practices in ten countries around the globe.
Specsavers offers more than 1,000 frame styles and colours. New styles and designers are introduced regularly to keep up with changes in fashion and technology.
An expanding range of designer glasses is now available, including brands such as Alex Perry, Country Road, Karen Millen, Jasper Conran, fcuk, French Connection, Red or Dead, Quiksilver, Roxy, Tommy Hilfiger and Europe’s biggest selling designer brand, Osiris which is exclusive to Specsavers.
Get $2 parking per hour to a maximum of $15 on evenings and weekends at the Downtown car park. Find out more.
Kids ride free on public transport on weekends and public holidays. Find out more.