You Beauty - Redlight Delight Edition
LINEUP: Andy Heartthrob; DylanBiscuit; Sammie; Zoë
Price: $15 Door Entry for registered attendees*
* Due to current COVID restrictions the event is limited to 100 people. If you plan on attending please register online to be eligible for entry.
On the night there will be a $15 door charge for those who have registered and entry will be first in first served up to 100 people. Once capacity has been reached it will be a 1 in 1 out policy.
All attending will need to show a VALID VACCINE PASSPORT to enter the event as per the requirements for events to operate under the red settings.
Flat fee of $7 per day on weekends at Fanshawe Street carpark. Find out more.
Kids ride free on public transport on weekends and public holidays. Find out more.