This event has been postponed to Saturday 4 Feb!

The Auckland Pride Festival 2023 opens with a dawn blessing, acknowledging our locality to Tāmaki Makaurau, both in our contemporary urban experience and in the intergenerational reverence we hold towards the mana of the whenua; Rangipuke, Te Wai O Horotiu, Te Waitematā, Tīkapa Moana and the wider Tāmaki Makaurau rohe (region), on which our festival activates. 

As the first offering in our programme, the Tuwheratanga offers a chance to open the space for the Festival, to acknowledge the mana of Ahi Kaa in deep admiration, to celebrate our artists and bring together our diverse hāpori. To share in our relationships to each other and honour the countless energies that have pioneered and continue to inspire our Takatāpui, MVPFAFF, Queer Pasikifa & Rainbow spaces.

This year the Tuwheratanga will be the premiere showing of works from Auckland Pride Festival's first ever Rangatahi Takatāpui Creative New Zealand resident Kiriana Kemp as Kai-maninirau.

Auckland Pride Festival hopes to reflect back on shared history, those who have carved a path for the community, pay tribute to the pioneers of the queer liberation movement in Aotearoa, celebrate artists and lay the intention of this 2023 festival. 

Enjoy two hours of free parking or $5 evening and weekend rates. Find out more. Ride on public transport from as little as $2 each way. Find out more.
Last updated: 11 January 2023