The Kuia and the Spider, on stage for one and all.
Inspired by author Patricia Grace and illustrator Robyn Kahukiwa’s classic children’s book ‘The Kuia and the Spider’, Te Kuia Me Te Pūngāwerewere is a delightful, comedic prequel that takes audiences on a journey into spider world.
In this beloved tale, the kuia (female elder) argues with a large spider living in her kitchen and competes to see who can do the best weaving. While in the midst of their daily bickering, Kui and Pūpai are suddenly thrust from their home in Paekākāriki and into spider world. There amongst the spiders, they must work together to save the habitat from human destruction.
Performed entirely in te reo Māori, but full of gestures and movement so that everyone can follow along, this splendid show breathes new life into an iconic Kiwi story cherished by children and parents all over Aotearoa.
Recommended for ages 5+. Part of Whānau Day.
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.