Registrations are now closed. If you have missed this year's event, we invite you to donate.
Leukemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand are not a government organisation, so they rely on the generosity of their donors for fundraising. That is where you come in! The Step Up Challenge Sky Tower Auckland is an important fundraising event for Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand, and the money you raise will make a massive difference in the lives of the patients they support living all around New Zealand.
The funds you raise will go towards supporting patients and their families across the country. They offer various services, including providing information and education sessions, supporting and funding research, raising awareness about diseases, and advocating on behalf of patients.
To find out more about Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand's work, visit their website here.
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.