The Mermaid Parade is back! Fish-folk, merpeople, clams, and nautical navigators of all ages are invited to don their best ocean-inspired looks and parade along the waterfront of Tāmaki Makaurau.

A celebration of creativity, community, and the sea, this whimsical event promises waves of fun for everyone - with ocean-inspired looks created by you!

Calling all Mermaids and Mermen, sailors, squid, sea urchins, starfish... the possibilities are endless! Get resourceful, imaginative, and bold. Extra aroha for using recycled materials to honour our Moana.


  • 11am - Attendees drop into Queens Wharf Village for a Mermaidification station with free face paining to enhance those mermaid looks! 
  • 1:30pm - Last call for the parade, prepare to join in on the fun. 
  • 2pm (sharp) - Parade leaves Queens Wharf. The lively procession winds along the waterfront, showcasing the artistry and imagination of the marine-themed community. 
  • 2:30pm: Costume Contest at Eastern Viaduct. Hosted by the charismatic Anita Wigl’it, the costume contest features prizes for the best-dressed. Categories include: Supreme Merperson, Supreme Merchild (under 16) and  Fishiest Whānau. 

Please note, to keep the parade as nautical as possible, all parade participants must be in costume. This includes parents, so if you’re planning on walking the parade with your little one, start planning your costume now...

To help manage numbers participants should register for a free ticket (one per person please). Get amongst - grab a ticket now! This is an all ages, inclusive experience inviting everyone to participate and enjoy. 

Spectators are welcome - the best viewing spot for the parade is Te Komititanga at 2:00pm. You are welcome to join the end of the parade and follow down to Eastern Viaduct to witness the costume contest.

The Mermaid Parade is part of the Summer on Queens Wharf 2025 programme, supported by Eke Panuku Development Auckland and Moana Festival, New Zealand’s Ocean Festival and brought to life by Interesting Things. For updates and details, visit their Facebook page:

mermaid parade 2025

Free parking for your first hour at Jellicoe Street car park. See more here

Kids ride free on public transport on weekends and public holidays. Find out more

Last updated: 13 February 2024