An award-winning comedy show which has sold out around New Zealand and at Adelaide Fringe with 5 star reviews -
Jo Ghastly’s expertise comes from being a self- proclaimed “Cool Mum”
You can become cool - the Jo Ghastly way (seriously, Jo is on TikTok so you know she's got the credentials!).
Don't have any kids of your own? Don't worry, Jo will be teaching you how to unlock the inner cool potential of your own parents.
Chosen to have fur babies? This show will validate your choice to never have children.
The show is recommended for teens to Boomers. Mild adult themes.
Jo is a New Zealand based comedian, actor, improviser, film maker, mother, author and psychiatrist. Jo wonders why she is often tired!
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.