Montecristo Comedy returns for a second glorious year, this time with 21 shows featuring local favourites, up and comers and international comedians like Tessa Waters, Alexis Dubus, Wilson Dixon and El Jaguar.

This is the perfect place for a show because it's located directly below Toto' Pizza - what's better than comedy, pizza and beer? 

Click here to check out the full programme 

Check out the shows we can't wait for: 

Alexis Dubus - A History of Swearing 
23 April - 1 May 
One man’s attempt to discover why a handful of words in the English language still have the power to shock, offend and amuse in equal measure. Alexis uncovers the science of swearing, the ancestry of all your favourite swears and why the f*ck we do it in the first place. 

Wilson Dixon - Back Catalogue 
28 April - 5 May 
Wilson Dixon is back with a back catalogue of obscure songs and stories from his childhood, the distant past and some ancient family history. 

Guy Williams - Started from the Top 
23 April - 29 April 
This show aims to address gender and racial privilege in New Zealand in 2016. The key word is "aims", no refunds. That was a joke I probably would give you a refund if you really wanted it.

2012 – Winner Billy T Award, NZICF 
2013 – Winner Best Comedian, Metro 
2014 – Funniest Person, TV Guide 
2015 – Nothing! Still dark about it

Matt Stellingwerf - Bachelor Of Arts
10 May - 14 May 
Join two-time Billy T Award nominee Matt Stellingwerf (TV3's AotearoHa: Rising Stars, Maori TV Crack Up) as he finds the funny in his BA. Get ready for a hilarious and engaging hour of; the sordid love lives of the Olympians, the U.S. Constitution. 

Sophia Johnson & Cohen Holloway - 50 Minutes Plus Laughs
3 May - 8 May 
Don't miss these two excellent sketch comedy actors when they hit the Montecristo for the NZ International Comedy Festival - you may recognise Cohen Johnson from starring roles in all of Taika Waititi's comedies. 





Last updated: 21 August 2020
