Inspired by the works of renowned American writer Shel Silverstein, Shel We is an enchanting, playfully intriguing and visually stunning dance show created by Tupua Tigafua. A highly accomplished dancer and choreographer who has had an illustrious career dancing for some of Aotearoa’s creative elite and one of the most ingenious storytellers of this generation.

Shel Silverstein was a critically acclaimed writer who wrote books such as Where the sidewalk ends and The Giving Tree. As well as iconic ballads Sylvia’s Mother for Doctor Hook and A boy named Sue for Johnny Cash. Shel’s off beat style and brilliant use of metaphorical imagery in his poetry and illustrations are what inspires Tupua’s choreography - ultimately delivering a tribute to his parents, his family and the environment that has inspired him over the years.

Created by Tupua Tigafua

Designed by Lisa Maule and Spencer Earwalker

Featuring Sean Macdonald, Tupua Tigafua, Chris Ofanoa, Kosta Bogoievski, Andy Faiaogo, Carl Tolentino

Produced by Le Moana


Free parking for your first hour at Jellicoe Street car park. See more here

Kids ride free on public transport on weekends and public holidays. Find out more

Last updated: 10 May 2021