Bliss Reflexology has closed. Check out the brand new Kino Day Spa, here.
There’s nothing quite as blissful as feeling really well, naturally.
If you're prone to picking up coughs and colds in winter, suffer with headaches, neck and shoulder or back pain, or are simply in need of a little pampering - then look no further than Bliss Reflexology.
Reflexology massage, as practiced at our beautiful salons, has been used for centuries by Chinese to relieve stress and tension and to stimulate our immune systems – providing a natural defense against illness and general feelings of being unwell.
With traditionally trained therapists who provide a truly blissful way to relax and tune-up the body.
Looking for a truly unique experience? Try the Ganbanyoku or traditional Japanese hot stone therapy. Ganbanyoku, which means bedrock bathing in Japanese, uses a special magma stone to heat the body from the outside in. The stones release infrared rays and negative ions, to speed up the release of toxins from the body through perspiration.
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.