Cassette9 is none other than an institution of Auckland.
For 15 years they have been delivering a diverse mosaic of programming, bringing Auckland’s best parties to life and giving each unique scene and community they collaborate with a home. They're honoured to do what they do and invite you to join them in the fun!
Hosting an array of local acts, touring internationals, first timers and party veterans there is little you will be unable to find in our event calendar. From live music to DJs, drag to comedy, art exhibitions to slam poetry, all brought to you, our whanau, by the whanau; a quirky, sassy bunch of mischievous misfits and allround astounding humans that we are forever grateful to for all the love, energy and passion they put in to what they do.

It is their aim to create events that uncover the edge, bringing you fresh and exciting music and art that will get your mind ticking and your body bobbing. They want to leave beautiful lasting memories in your mind, host parties that make an impact on your life, and create a space that they can pride themselves on as being SAFE(R).
Cassette9 is much more than a bar or a nightclub, Cassette9 is a home, a home to you no matter who you are - so welcome!
For private functions and for all entertainment related bookings, email

Park for $2 per hour, to a maximum of $10 on evenings and weekends at the Victoria St car park. Find out more.