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Brought to you by the winners of ‘Best Circus’ at Auckland Fringe 2018, Manubrium Circus Theatre is taking it to the streets with their brand-spanking new show Towel You What!?
A combination of slippery acrobatics and fluffy puns, Towel You What!? celebrates the unsung hero of our time: the humble towel. The companion you can always rely on. Here for your sweats, your wets, your sandy toes, and kitchen uh-oh's.
Across 30 minutes of flips, slips and balloon tricks Manubrium Circus Theatre answer all of the big questions: waffle or terrycloth? When is it appropriate to air dry? And what the f!*nel is a flannel anyway?
In a divided world, Towel You What!? provides an intersectional champion to unite us all.
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.