From $100
12 NOV, 2023, 1PM-8PM

Rooftop at QT is transforming into a buzzing tattoo parlour, hosting international artist to the stars, Lauren Winzer, for a whirlwind Kiwi residency. And this one’s more than skin deep.

Rooftop at QT have teamed up with Movember, the charity on a mission to change the face of men’s health, to raise funds and support their moustached mahi with fresh, flash ink.

Get inked:

Tattoos are $100 a pop. Select from a pre-designed flash sheet with 100% of tattoo proceeds to be donated to Movember. Choose from a selection of Lauren’s celeb-certified styles* or go under the talented needle of local artists, Tri of Tri-lines and Evander.

*Note Lauren is now fully booked however there will be a ballot for extra spots available on the day, head along put your name down and you too could be inked. 

The event: 

Machos-with-moustaches heed the call, you don’t need to get inked to join in the fun. Entry is free, come along, enjoy the buzz. Jo Bro’s Burgers will be taking over the rooftop kitchen for the day with a fried chicken menu and Michter’s cocktails will be on show. For every cocktail and burger ordered from our special Inked menu, $2 will be donated to Movember. Jupiter Project will be taking over the decks, a ‘mo grooming station courtesy of Triumph & Disaster and even a competition to crown ‘The Dirtiest ‘Tache’.

Inked at Rooftop at QT

Flat fee of $7 per day on weekends at Fanshawe Street carpark. Find out more.

Kids ride free on public transport on weekends and public holidays. Find out more

Last updated: 01 November 2023