UPDATE 24 Jan 2022: Auckland Live, our partners and artists involved in Auckland Live Summer in the Square regret to announce that due to New Zealand being in Covid-19 Red Traffic Light setting indefinitely, all events scheduled from Friday 28 January - 26 February will not be going ahead. Due to the nature of the events planned and difficulty safely distancing or capping audience numbers in Aotea Square, the events are now postponed until further notice. The welfare and safety of our artists, staff and audiences will remain our first priority.
Kick back and enjoy a free screening of In the Heights, part of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s outdoor cinema line-up this summer in Aotea Square. Come early to secure your spot, bring a picnic rug, have a bite to eat, and catch the pre-movie entertainment.
This hit musical movie tells the story of Usnavi, a bodega owner who has mixed feelings about closing his store and retiring to the Dominican Republic or staying in Washington Heights.
The film is full of catchy songs, high-energy dance numbers, and characters who will capture your heart.
Please note: You cannot BYO alcohol to Summer in the Square. The Terrace Café will be open and selling both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as tasty eats and treats.
All visitors must show a valid My Vaccine Pass, sign in and wear a face covering when required
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.