This exhibition brings together over a decade of work by Auckland based artist, Margaret Lewis.
Focussed on re-contextualising craft, Margaret Lewis takes stitchcraft from the traditional to the contemporary with the use of non-traditional materials (paintball masks, chicken wire, sifters and sieves and vintage racquets) to create objects inviting social observation and commentary.
dis-ease will display six projects by Lewis, completed over time and with the collaborative efforts of many. Her works weave together a love of colour and humour with more layered anthropological concepts. Each piece leaves viewers with a new appreciation of humble objects and the power of time and patience to instill meaning in the everyday.
The title of the exhibition plays on the uncomfortable nature of artmaking in the contemporary world, and more widely, the aspects of life that converge to create palpable unease to those aware. For Margaret, her practice has included methods that have not always translated comfortably into the fine art world. Equally, with the prominence and importance of her collaborators, brought together from a wide range of connections including through her work with Splice and Lifewise, dis-ease addresses the hierarchical nature of artmaking and subverts these constructs to create bold and compelling work.
Margaret Lewis will be at the exhibition daily (Mon-Fri) from 8am-3pm. Come sit on the couch, yes we will have a lounge, do some sewing (if you like), have a coffee and check out the work. We even have some public programming thanks to support from Auckland Council and Waitemata Local Board.
DELUSIONS OF CANUTE: Walking +Cycling Tour
With support and guidance from researchers and mana whenua, Margaret has created a new way of looking at our city, Delusions of Canute. This work, on display in dis-ease, shows Tamaki Makaurau’s original foreshore and the subsequent changes that have seen the land crawl out into the harbour.
Margaret has produced pocket-maps so anyone can retrace the original waters-edge and uncover historical points of interest along the way.
Pick up a map from the gallery and join us for an hour long walk, or take one away for a self-guided cycle tour.
$7 flat parking rate on weekends at the Fanshawe St car park. Find out more.
Kids ride free on public transport on weekends and public holidays. Find out more.