Special event
In Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience and the Fight for a Sustainable Future, former Irish president, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and UN Special Envoy for Climate Change Mary Robinson presents a stirring call to arms, arguing that justice and equity must be at the heart of responses to the climate crisis if we are to succeed. For her work on climate change, Robinson travelled the world, meeting with farmers and activists in Asia, Africa, and the Americas – people whose livelihoods have been and are being destroyed by climate change but who are fighting back. “Her book inspires and guides us on what to do to protect humanity and our only world,” writes Ban Ki-moon, former UN Secretary General. She sets out her vision for the future in conversation with Finlay Macdonald.
Supported by Platinum Patrons Julienne Brown & David McLean.
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.