Artist Workshops
Join NZ Martitime Museum for a series of intimate artist workshops in celebration of their exhibition Always Song in the Water.
Binding and Body Adornment with Neke Moa
Join contemporary jeweller Neke Moa (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Ahuriri, Ngāti Porou, Tūwharetoa Ngāti Matepū, Ngāi Tū, and Ngāti Whakāri) in this hands-on workshop exploring binding, knot making and body adornment. Neke has a unique Māori adornment and sculptural practice, drawing on found or gifted materials by te taiao (the environment). You will look at her work, Hinemoana and use seashells and twine to create your own special taonga.
Tapa miniatures with Tui Emma Gillies and Sulieti Fieme'a Burrows
Learn how to create tapa miniatures with Tui Emma Gillies and Sulieti Fieme'a Burrowsor, and explore binding and body adornment with Neke Moa.
Book online here.

Always Song in the Water explores Aotearoa's oceanic environment, drawing inspiration from Gregory O'Brien's eponymous book. The exhibition celebrates our connection to the wider Pacific region, its people, flora, and fauna, reflecting themes of whales, oceans, voyaging, and conservation. Experience paintings, photography, jewellery, poetry, and dance from artists including John Pule, Robin White, John Reynolds, Elizabeth Thomson, Denys Watkins, Neke Moa, Lianne Edwards, Phil Dadson, Fiona Hall, Kazu Nakagawa, Bruce Foster, Steev Laufilitoga Maka, Shona Rapira Davies, and more.

Flat fee of $7 per day on weekends at Fanshawe Street carpark. Find out more.
Kids ride free on public transport on weekends and public holidays. Find out more.