This ‘Urban Walls’ exhibition showcases and celebrates diverse Tāmaki Makaurau artists who draw on the theme of urban culture and experiences – past, present and future.
The exhibition hopes that art can be a champion for reconnecting our communities into our urban spaces again and for art to be a vessel to express our individual and collective identity.
Vibrant and engaging artworks and murals will be exhibited along two sites along Victoria Street near the new Te Waihorotiu Station (Aotea) - being constructed by the Link Alliance.
On the corner of Victoria and Elliott Streets behind the Info Centre, four urban mural artists Mark Henare, Holly Mafaufau, Matt Dowman and Elliot Francis Stewart will showcase a collaborative courtyard wrap-around-mural using primarily aerosol paint and stencils.
Further up on Victoria Street West (near 55 Victoria Street West), art from seven contemporary and urban artists will be displayed along the Link Alliance’s hoarding walls.
Artists include Rekso, Tai Nimo, Bonco, Keciano, Xi Li, Dylan Blanc Huata and GK. Cavalier.
Part of Art in the City.

Urban / adjective
In, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city.
Our urban spaces are undergoing huge changes and growth, especially with the current City Rail Link project – a game changer for the future of Tāmaki Makaurau.
$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more.