
This sculpture by artist Paul Brunton shows the now-extinct Haast's eagle swooping overhead Elliott Street to return home to its chicks. Created using discarded items, both the subject and medium explore the promise of renewal and joy that can be found in rebirth while acknowledging the fragility and instability of life. Through the lens of Spring - symbolised by the newborn, nesting chicks - the artist is exploring the concept of time - how it moves in relation to space and opportunity - its transcience and its permanence, what is lost and what is gained.

Supported by Auckland Council and the city centre targeted rate.

Part of Art in the City.

About the artist

Aiming to provoke our social consciousness, to reawaken our primal knowledge and to illustrate the truth of our inter-dependence on the natural world, Paul works on all scales, from enormous trees to hand sized gifts, always with a great love for his materials. He primarily works with wood, bronze, steel, fibregrass and aluminium. 

Paul Brunton

$2 per hour to a max of $12 on weekends and a $12 flat rate for weekday evenings at The Civic car park. Find out more

Last updated: 02 September 2022